Songs for Naval Children by Naval Children

Last summer we teamed up with Never Such Innocence, the fantastic children’s charity that provide tools for young people to reflect on the realities of war and conflict by nurturing them through the arts.

As a collective, we invited naval children to take part in a series of virtual song writing workshops with singer-songwriter Otto. The purpose was to write a song by naval children, for naval children. It soon became apparent during these workshops that a second song was forming, one specifically for the Submariner families.

After hours of writing, both songs were ready to be recorded. We then invited the young people to join us in London to record the songs at Hackney Studios, allowing a little extra time to see some of the sights!

Katie Salarie, CEO of Never Such Innocence commented on the day of recording:

‘It was amazing just watching nothing become a full entire song. What is great about it, it’s children from across the UK, they can come on zoom, have this experience, get to know one another, and then get to meet. It’s such a special opportunity for them. As they move to different posts, they may even see these friends again. That’s what makes it so special, music and the arts bringing people together.’

The recordings were a fantastic success, and we are over the moon with the finished products that our young people created from scratch. The are both below.

The ‘Navy Song’ and the ‘Submariners Sea Shanty’. We hope that you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoyed watching them being created!


Polly’s PINK Marathon

Polly Florence decided to do a PINK “Toddlerthlon” to raise lots of pennies for us, as we help to support her and her family in the challenges they face due to Polly’s medical conditions. Polly’s “Toddlerthlon” was a huge challenge, 1 mile walk, 1.5 mile cycle and a whole 1 hour swimming! We are so pleased to say that Polly SMASHED IT!! She also smashed her target of £650 and raised a WHOPPING £1,560!!
Polly’s mum said “We cannot thank the Naval Children’s Charity enough for the support and guidance they have given us. We feel very lucky to be part of the Navy community and have access to such a fantastic charity. We are beyond proud of how resilient and brave Polly is, this shone through during her challenge and she absolutely smashed it! We cannot wait to come up with some more cool fundraising ideas to help the Naval Children’s Charity to continue to support families just like ours. Polly was asked why she was doing her challenge and who for, her response was “for the Naval Children’s Charity” because they look after me” 
Thank you so very much Polly, you are an absolute SUPERSTAR!!!

Month of the Military Child

April is the Month of the Military Child – a month where we champion our amazing, resilient children and young people from Armed Forces families.  They can experience many challenges because they are from an Armed Forces family, and we are in awe of how brilliant they are. 

This April, 2025, the MOTMC has a theme of ‘Memories’ – which could not be more appropriate for us here at the Naval Children’s Charity as we celebrate our bicentenary – 200 years of our own memories supporting our Naval children. 

We would like you to help us celebrate you and our bicentenary by sharing with us your memories – be as creative as you like: write something, turn it into a poem, draw it, paint it, sculpt it or just send us a photo of you and your Armed Forces family that is a memory you cherish.  With your permission we will share these on social media and our website as we celebrate throughout the month.

Send your memories including your name and age to

Each year to celebrate we also come together with the Ministry of Defence, other military charities, schools, and many other partner organisations to celebrate military children and raise awareness of service life.

This year the theme is Memories and there will be many activities and events taking place across the country. Here’s just a taste of what we have planned so far…

Never Such Innocence – Creative School Workshops

We are really pleased to be partnering with Never Such Innocence to deliver school workshops across the UK that encourage and amplify the voices of service children.

Never Such Innocence have a team of creative practitioners who visit schools to hold workshops in poetry, art, speech and songwriting. The workshops provide young people with the creative tools to express their feelings and produce powerful pieces of work around the theme of conflict and service life.

The workshops are not just for military children, they are a great way for all children to learn about what military life looks like for their classmates and peers. In fact, we hope to reach schools who may have relatively small numbers of service children with these workshops so that the interaction can raise awareness of service life across the whole school community and create a lasting impact.

We still have a few school places remaining for 2025 so if you’re interested please email us at

Portsmouth Community Planter – Victoria Park

Working in partnership with Aggies and Pompey Military Kids, we have secured a community planter space in the recently revamped gardens of Victoria Park, Portsmouth. Award winning garden designer and mental health advocate, Leigh Johnstone (also known as The Beardy Gardener!) will be working with the children and young people to design and ‘plant up’ the space. We intend for this to be an ongoing project, with the children regularly updating the space with seasonal decorations and maintaining the plants.

Find out more and sign up to Pompey Military Kids here.

Purple Up! Day – 25th April 2025

Inspired to get involved in Month of the Military Child? 25th April is ‘Purple Up! Day’.

Wear purple to show your support for Service children and remember to send your photos to and donate here.

Find out more about other MotMC activities and other ways to get involved here.

Keep an eye on our socials for further updates and developments!


Have your voice heard!

Here at the Naval Children’s Charity, we are looking to revamp our ‘Life Chances’ programme which is all about giving opportunities for young people to learn, develop and thrive (TallShip Voyages, Debating Classes, Residential Camps etc.) Now we want YOU to help shape what opportunities we give our young people. So, we have teamed up with ‘Leaders Unlocked’, who specialise in enabling young people to have a stronger voice and influence the issues that affect their lives.

Are you aged 12-25?

Do you come from a naval family and live in the UK?

Then please get involved and influence what you and your peers can take advantage of, whilst gaining valuable leadership skills and experience.

What is the Life Chances Co-design project?

The Life Chances Co-design project will give young people from naval families in the UK the opportunity to build their leadership skills and create change for other young people.

The Life Chances programme is led by the Naval Children’s Charity and offers a variety of opportunities and activities to children and young people from naval families. The Charity is keen to further develop the Life Chances programme in collaboration with the young people it aims to benefit.

The project will recruit a diverse group of approximately 12-15 young people from naval families that live in the UK.

The project aims to:

  • Co-design a new vision for the Life Chances programme and the benefits it brings to young people.
  • Understand what works well and what could be improved in the current Life Chances programme.
  • Explore young people’s experiences of the Life Chances programme, other similar activities, and new examples.

The project is a partnership between the Naval Children’s Charity and Leaders Unlocked, a social enterprise supporting young people to influence the decisions that affect them in society.

What will I get from being part of the project?

  • Enhance your knowledge and skills: You will have the opportunity to develop valuable knowledge and transferable skills, including leadership skills, co-design skills and public speaking. You will also build confidence in working with peers and adult professionals.
  • Expand your network: You will expand your network with the professionals and the partner organisations involved with the project. You will meet a diverse range of young people in the UK with a shared interest in making changes that benefits other young people.
  • Develop your experience: You will be part of a project that has co-designed a vision for a programme of activity that benefits young people. You will be able to use all the above for your CV, when applying for jobs or to Further or Higher Education.
  • Receive a payment for your contribution: You will receive a payment of £70 for your time on the project either in cash or in voucher form. For under-16s, the payment will be made in an eVoucher form (which can be redeemed in a wide range of brands / stores). Over-16s will be able to choose between bank transfer or an eVoucher.

How do I apply?

Email here for your application form and then forward your completed form to Alev Zahir: by Friday 23rd February 2024.

What happens next?

Once we receive your application, we will then carry out brief telephone interviews with a shortlist of applicants. All applicants will be informed by the week after the application deadline whether they have been selected for interview.

Remember: please email your completed application form to Alev Zahir: by Friday 23rd February 2024.


THE ANNINGTON CHALLENGE & OUTWARD BOUND TRUST – Take control of your summer and have the adventure of a lifetime.

We have joined forces with our friends at the both the Annington Challenge and the Outward Bound Trust, whose missions are to inspire young people to believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible.

If you are from a Naval family, are aged 10-19 and ready for an adventure… then look no further, we have a  unique opportunity for you to take on the Annington Challenge. This is the chance for young people to experience an Outward Bound course at a heavily subsidised price. Places are available for all young people, regardless of their parent or guardian’s rank.

Choose from 5-19 day experiences in amazing locations. From rowing across lakes to camping in the wild, outdoor adventure will be at the heart of everything you do. All accommodation, food and equipment are provided.

Apply HERE now for 2024 and get ready the summer of a lifetime! It only takes a few minutes.

OVER THE WALL – Fab & Fun Residential Camps

Mischievous and Magical residential camps for children and young people with health challenges and disabilities.

We are delighted to have teamed up with Over The Wall, a UK based charity for children and young people with health challenges and disabilities to discover a world of mischief and magic.
They provide a safe place to step outside of comfort zones, establish friendships and build confidence through meaningful and exciting activities and we have secured 8 places at a selection of different camps.

We are inviting applications from children and young people aged 8-17 years, who are currently experiencing health challenges or have finished treatment in the last 3 years. Also, the invitation is open to children and young people aged 8-17 yrs who have a sibling (0 – 17yrs) who is currently experiencing health challenges or has finished treatment in the last 3 years.

There are spaces available at:

Scotland Health Challenge / Siblings Camp, Strathallan School, Perth – Mon 8th – Fri 12th July

Midlands Week 1 Health Challenge / Siblings Camp, Whitemoor Lakes, Staffordshire – Mon 5th – Fri 9th August

Midlands Week 2 Health Challenge / Siblings Camp, Whitemoor Lakes, Staffordshire – Mon 12th – Fri 16th August

You can apply directly here:

ARTSWORK – Your Creative Future

Learn about Creative Careers and explore pathways into Creative Work.

We have recently formed an exciting partnership with Artswork, a youth arts charity whose work is to empower children and young people through creativity. A specific programme, called ‘Your Creative Future’ gives Naval families (serving or Veteran) an opportunity to attend a series of workshops completely free of charge. These fantastic workshops give young people the opportunity to explore their potential in a creative career.

Your Creative Future is a short programme of activities will give Naval families the opportunity to learn about the wide range of creative careers and explore the many pathways into creative work to help them take the steps into a career they love.



Five Saturday morning workshops:

20 April; 4th May; 18 May; 8 June; 22 June 2024


Accessible online via Zoom from wherever you are.

What is included?

  • Five online interactive workshops/talks with guest speakers
  • Two one to one mentoring sessions
  • Self-guided learning packages that you can complete in your own time
  • A digital badge on completion of the programme – find our more about digital badges here. 

Please sign-up to the programme by filling out this application form.

The FAQ’s can be seen below but if you would like a downloadable PDF of these to keep handy, please find that below:

Your Creative Future – FAQs

If you would like to share the poster with people you know, you can find a downloadable version below:
Your Creative Future – NCC x Artswork

If you have any questions about the programme, please email and we’ll be happy to help.

Wishing you all a Wonderful Christmas

The past few weeks have filled us with joy, attending several homecoming events watching families be reunited in time for Christmas. We are aware however, that this hasn’t been the case for all families and with that in mind, please do remember that we offer all naval children free resources to help cope with having a parent away.
Our office will be closed from the 21st December to the 2nd January and the team is looking forward to some time off to recharge their batteries after an incredibly busy 2023. However, we know that many of you will be struggling at this time of year, for many different reasons.
Please contact your local authority or the NHS on 111 or if you need support during this period. If you’re struggling with your mental health, reach out to The Samaritans either through their website or their 24/7 helpline 116 123 (freephone). Mind’s website has some brilliant resources for managing your wellbeing.

With times still being a financial strain for many, we were thrilled that V2 Radio, the local commercial station for Sussex, asked their listeners to take part in a toy appeal, of which we were a beneficiary. As you can see from the picture above, we received an incredible number of gifts that will make Christmas morning a little more special for some of our young people.

Speaking of our young people, we are delighted to have teamed up with Over The Wall, a UK based charity for children and young people with health challenges and disabilities to discover a world of mischief and magic.
They provide a safe place to step outside of comfort zones, establish friendships and build confidence through meaningful and exciting activities and we have secured 8 places at a selection of different camps next year. We are inviting applications from children and young people aged 8-17 years, who are currently experiencing health challenges or have finished treatment in the last 3 years. Also, the invitation is open to children and young people aged 8-17 years who have a sibling (0 – 17 years) who is currently experiencing health challenges or has finished treatment in the last 3 years. Pop to our Facebook page for more details.

And the opportunities for our young people don’t stop there. We have been extremely lucky and have managed to secure some more voyages with Tallships Youth Trust!!!
The available dates:
February 13th -17th for 12–15-year-olds. The voyage is Portsmouth to Portsmouth
March 25th –29th for 16–25-year-olds. Again, the voyage is Portsmouth to Portsmouth
October 13th–17th October for 12 – 15-year-olds and again it is a Portsmouth to Portsmouth Voyage but as this falls in the Scottish half term,  we will be providing transport from and back to Glasgow. SPACES ARE LIMITED, so email your expression of interest to us and we will send an application form to you.

We are also launching two new projects in January so look out for more details.  With Leaders Unlocked we want to hear from you – we are looking for young people between the ages of 12 and 25 (with a particular focus on Portsmouth, Plymouth, Somerset and Helensburgh – so we can see what life is like for the different strands of the Royal Navy) with the aim of exploring what your lives are really like – and along the way work with you to develop your leadership skills for the future.  This exciting project will help inform us how to find the best opportunities for our Life Chances programme – so we can make a real difference in your lives. The application process for this will be launched in January so look out for details.

For those of you who are interested in the cultural and creative industries we will also be launching a Digitally Mediated Creative programme – Your Creative Future.  If you want to know more about what a career in the Arts or how to turn your creative side into a career and you are aged between 14 and 25 then this could be for you.  You will hear from Mentors in different Creative roles and get 1:1 support to look at opportunities for you.  Places are limited to 30 so look out for how to apply.

Well, all that is left is for me to say is that on behalf of everyone at the Naval Children’s Charity we wish you all a Wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Best wishes,

Clare Scherer MBE
Chief Executive Officer, Naval Children’s Charity

Our growing team, offering more support

As requests for help and support increase within our community, we are pleased to be able to expand our team to meet the growing needs.

Earlier this year; the fabulous Allison Donnelly joined our Caseworker team, based in Helensburgh, Allison has expanded our physical reach by around 500 miles or so, offering support for Naval Families in and around Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute which is the town closest to HMNB Clyde (Faslane).

Allison herself is a Naval wife, her husband has been serving as a part of the submarine service for over 20 years. She understands first-hand the frustrations and worries families face when their loved ones are deployed.  Life in a “tin can” as its often referred to really does come with its difficulties. It can be difficult for all involved to adapt to long sea deployments, added with the unknown of where they are and when they will be home, often dates can change at the very last minute and extend without notice. Seas Patrols vary in length and type depending on the class of Submarine, with some deploying for nearly a year. Understandably families are often left unsure when they will next see their husband/wife/partner/son/daughter, left behind having to navigate everyday life. It’s important to ensure that families left behind are supported and know who to turn to.  The Naval Children’s Charity understand that emergencies can occur and are on hand to assist families with child related grants, we also have resources aimed at children to make deployments and time apart more bearable.

Based in the Charity Support Hub in Churchill, Allison has been busy engaging with families offering support, guidance, and grant opportunities as per the Naval Children’s Charity’s 5 Pillars of Support (Health, Wellbeing, Security, Education and Life Chances). Working remotely as part of the Casework Team, Allison has vast knowledge of all things Scottish and can offer advice relating to benefits, school systems and relocation should any of our families have any concerns regarding these.  You can contact Allison here

More recently; In fact, just a week ago, we welcomed Karolina Kubica to the NCC family. Karolina graduated in International Relations with specialisation in global security and children in conflict areas. She has gained valuable experience working with the Armed Forces Community throughout her work at SSAFA helping serving personnel, veterans, and their families in a time of need. She is passionate about supporting those with no voice – animals and children, advocating for children with learning difficulties and disabilities. Based in Plymouth, Karolina will be an Outreach Caseworker for the Southwest region, hot desking at both the Gordon Messenger Centre in Lympstone and the China Fleet Club in Saltash.

Ahoy there: We would like to welcome back all our young people that took up our offer and joined a Tall Ships voyage over the summer months. In total 40 of them took to the seas, had an amazing adventure, learnt some valuable life skills and made some lifelong friends. We are over the moon with the feedback we have received so far and are looking forward to doing it again next year. Remember, we offer many opportunities like these, and we will be announcing two new ones in next month’s newsletter.

Celebrating Forces Families Awards: On a final note, if you know of our work and have personal experience of how we help our Naval children, we ask you kindly to spare just a few minutes nominating us for the ‘Military Family Charity of the Year’ Award.  Thank you in advance.

Best wishes,

Clare Scherer MBE
Chief Executive Officer, Naval Children’s Charity

Design a Ship of the Future Competition

Our Talented Winners


Sam Davie

William Almond

Alfie Ward

Our ‘Design a Ship of the Future’ winners have now all received their prizes – Their individual designs transformed into Lego Ships, with thanks to our friend at Bricks by Design. Sam, William and Alfie are all proud as punch, and deservedly so. Thank you to every single child that entered our competition, it was such a hard task to pick only three winners as there were so many truly fabulous, detailed and creative designs.

Once again, huge thanks to our talented friends at Bricks by Design for bringing these creations to life!

Details of our next competition coming soon….